Rock City Church

About Rock City Church
We are radically committed to living out the heart of God in our city and around the world. We have excellent music, really great people, a vibrant atmosphere full of energy and life, and relevant and practical teaching from the Bible.
We have one mission, and that is to reach the unchurched and awaken the spiritually restless to love God and love people.
We believe that there are essential beliefs and nonessential beliefs. Most of the time people get caught up in the nonessentials and miss the point of why Jesus came and what he did for us. In the nonessentials, we have liberty. We don′t expect or want everyone to think exactly the same about every issue of theology or doctrine. There are, however, several essentials that we believe, as a church, we must be unified around and support wholeheartedly.
Imagine a church that would go to any length to tell a person that God loves them and has a plan for their life.
Imagine a church that is radically committed to living out the heart of God in their city and around the world. That’s Rock City. Whether you’re spiritually restless, discontent, new at discovering who God is, or you are a veteran of the faith, you’re welcome here.