Crossroads Christian Church

About Crossroads Christian Church
Each worship service is intentionally focused on Jesus and the preaching of God′s Word. Add to that a dynamic music ministry featuring an orchestra, praise band and gifted singers that lead you to worship God “in spirit and in truth.” The people at Crossroads focus on two kinds of relationships: a relationship with God and relationships with one another. We want to help you have a genuine connection with God and other people.
Whether you′ve grown up in church or never been in church before, you are welcome here. God brought you here for a purpose, and we′re thankful you′ve taken the time to learn more about us. We have never been and never will be about “sticks and stones.” Our heart is flesh and bones: people. Our passion is to see people′s lives changed forever with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. While we are thankful for the history God has blessed us with, our focus is on reaching, teaching, training and sending more people out to impact the world for Christ!