Central Christian Church

About Central Christian Church
We are a community of grace and forgiveness where everyone is allowed, encouraged, and expected to be authentic. This is a safe and practical place to come as you are and grow in your faith, but this is also a place where complacency is challenged.
Every believer within this community is responsible for using his or her spiritual gifts, time, energy and finances for honoring God through ministry.
As a community of believers, we seek God’s guidance and direction through prayer in all that we do as a church and in all aspects of our daily lives.
We primarily exist for the sake of those who are not yet part of the Body of Christ, intending to mature all believers into fully transformed, committed, and reproducing followers of Christ.
The Bible
We acknowledge the Bible as the revealed truth of God, providing direction for our lives. We desire to communicate its truth in a manner that relates to our culture.
Future Generations
We are a community where children and youth are highly valued; we sacrificially share the responsibility of raising godly children and youth.