The Orchard Church

About The Orchard Church
The Orchard is a place devoted to the cultivation of fruit for Christ’s kingdom. We remember that Jesus said to his disciples, “I chose you and sent you to produce fruit, the kind of fruit that will last.” (John 15:16) At The Orchard we are trying to live up to this challenge. We focus on our “cultivation” efforts by Growing Deep and Branching Out. Growing Deep means that we commit ourselves to deepening our love of God and helping others do the same. Branching Out means that we reach out to others with Christ’s love. We are called to live as faithful messengers of God’s grace and hope in the world.
The Orchard began as UMC, but peacefully withdrew from the denomination after 17 years. I (Bryan Collier) wanted to plant a church for people who didn't like church or didn't understand church, but my heart was for more than just people in a particular town, it was (and is) for the people of my state. We began to dream about planting churches through which the Gospel is more easily accessible in strategic towns across north Mississippi and 2008 planted our first site. I planted the first Orchard Church and have been very involved in planting the additional Orchard sites. I coach church planters and teach church planting for Doctoral students at Asbury Seminary.
Mississippi has 26 strategic towns that could serve as centers for churches that plant and serve other outlying churches. Our desire is to plant churches or partner with others to plant churches in each of these towns. To that end The Orchard is beginning a Residency to raise up pastors, worship leaders and church planters from the next generation to meet the needs in these centers, communities and beyond.