The Church at Cherrydale

The Church at Cherrydale

Matt Rogers
Baptist - Southern Baptist
Greenville, South Carolina
Founded: 2010

About The Church at Cherrydale

The Church at Cherrydale began on September 29, 2013 and was created by the merger of Covenant Grace Baptist and Renewal Church. Our building was the home of Leawood Baptist for many years. Leawood and Buncombe Road Baptist merged in 2012 to form Covenant Grace. We are a church committed to reaching our world for Christ and to sound, biblical teaching.

We exist to multiply disciples to the glory of God. Designed to be an "aircraft carrier" to the nations, TCC attempts to leverage its unique location in the upstate of South Carolina to take future leaders, equip them for ministry, and deploy them to strategic locations. Thus far, we've planted two other autonomous churches in the greater Greenville area, have planters moving to Salt Lake City and Chicago in the near future, and have missionaries serving in church planting around the world.

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