RiverTree Church
About RiverTree Church
RiverTree has been reaching out to Stark County and beyond for over 50 years Formerly Jackson Christian Church, we opened our first location on Easter Sunday 1964 as a church plant of Canton First Christian Church to serve Jackson Township.
Our church family has grown to six local churches in Stark County.
In addition to our current six RiverTree campuses, we’re helping launch multiple networks of churches who will multiply the church at every level by equipping people to be disciple-makers of Jesus Christ. We are committed to linking arms with other churches and organizations to make Ohio a bright light for Jesus Christ for many generations to come.
Our mission is to send 20,000 missionaries for Jesus Christ.
We have four strategies to send 20,000 missionaries. We created an area platform for multiplying kingdom leaders called One Center for Leadership. We equip marketplace organizations to be liberating leaders through GiANT Worldwide. We train next generation leaders through church residencies and university apprenticeships. And we link arms with regional church networks around the world.
We are a non-denominational Christian church.
Local elders are installed by the congregation to independently govern us. RiverTree does not belong to any denominational boards, hierarchies or voting associations. Our current elder team is made up of seven men and women.
1. Preach a Big Gospel at Weekend Gatherings.
Each weekend gathering at our churches will be filled with inspiration and high expectation that the Good News of Jesus really is Good News.
We will allow room for the Holy Spirit to do his mysterious work in everyone who attends. We will creatively plan gatherings that compel us to respond to the gospel as we read the Bible, celebrate communion and baptism, worship God through hearing the spoken word, singing worship, and giving generously to God.
2. Equip All people to Live Naturally Supernatural.
All people were meant to have a real active relationship with God.
Hearing God’s voice and cooperating with a living God was not meant for just a few spiritual elite. We will equip and send all Christians to live empowered by and actively learning to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
3. Saturate Neighborhoods and Networks With Disciple Makers.
Every learner of Jesus is made to be a disciple maker.
We will equip people to be individual missionaries, start missional communities, and invest in intentional discipling relationships. We will create 3rd spaces as platforms for apprenticeships, marketplace missionaries, and education centers.
4. Invest in the Next Generation.
God has placed in us his unique love for children and students.
Jesus said some powerful statements about how much God values the next generation. We believe they are the church of the present, not the future, and we will dedicate our time, resources and imagination to help the next generation—around the world and in our own backyard—know Jesus and follow him.
5. Multiply the Church by Sending Leaders to Plant Churches.
We form apprenticeships and residencies to equip and send leaders to plant churches in Ohio and around the world. We will have new church planting residents on our team every two years. We will put five to 10% of our movement missions resources back each year for future church planting efforts. We will lead area network gatherings with other like-minded churches. We will develop a culture where it is normal at every RiverTree church to send out our best leaders to change the world for Jesus Christ.