Restoration House Church Network

Restoration House Church Network

Daniel Samms
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Amherst, Ohio
Founded: 2014

About Restoration House Church Network

We are a network of bible-believing house churches. We make disciples who make disciples. We don’t have a lot of programming, because every member is about the work of spreading the gospel.

Restoration is a church that is designed to make disciples, gather together, and get equipped. We exist to glorify God by making disciples together. We are different than a lot of churches. Instead of a large building and a lot of programming, we keep it simple. Our church meets in coffeehouses, bars, parks, and homes to keep cost low and maximize our ability to connect people with God and each other.

At Restoration, we believe that people matter more than programs. We don't offer a lot of activities to keep you busy; we offer relationships to make you whole. Have you ever gone to a church with good music and good teaching but where no one would notice if you were gone? We don't let that happen, because we have a lot of small groups rather than one large one (though we sometimes get everyone together for special times of worship, teaching, and prayer). It is hard to be forgotten when everybody knows your name.

We want to keep making disciples and seeing the natural bi-product (house churches) planted. Ideally, every house church disciples enough people to plant an additional house church every 14–24 months. This leads to exponential multiplication.

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