Resonate Church

About Resonate Church
The gospel is the good news that we can enjoy a real relationship with God by grace, through faith in the completed work of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection, rather than through our own accomplishments.
The gospel reinforces all that we do: It’s our motivation for loving God, loving others, and making our city thrive. It transforms us from the inside out so that we increasingly take joy in showing others the same grace that God has showed us. It frees us from our desire to live for ourselves so that we instead live to glorify God and make him known. We no longer have to succeed or look for approval from others since we are completely accepted in Christ. It satisfies our deepest needs for security so we become generous with our abilities and resources. We therefore have a new identity that is reflected in how we relate to God, to one another, and to our city.
The gospel is most clearly developed in God’s word so we make the Bible the authoritative guide for our lives.
The gospel makes us an authentic and caring community that is intentionally involved with one another in deepening relationships. Our model is the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit existing in eternal and perfect community.
Even though we come from different cultures and have different stories to share, Christ makes us one family. Because of that we are willing to put the needs of others above our own needs and to honestly forgive and reconcile when needed. We celebrate the joyous milestones in each of our lives. We share the hospitality of our homes, eating and spending time together.
Prayer and worship are central to us. We want to express our love for God and our dependence on His grace when we gather. We study the Bible together because God intends His truth to be lived out in relationship with others.
Our primary contexts for community are:
Informal friendships with church friends
Mentoring & accountability groups
Missional communities
Worship services
Because we’ve been transformed by grace, we are eager to partner with God in extending his grace and mercy to others. We employ our spiritual gifts and natural abilities for the sake of others; not only do we serve others in the church but we love and care for the larger city, meeting real needs (basic, relational, etc.) and helping our city flourish.
It is our hope and prayer that our city is a better place because we exist. Since we invest most of our time in our vocations, these callings are the primary means by which we demonstrate the gospel and make disciples. Occasionally we travel abroad to help carry out the Great Commission.
No matter where we go, we want to convey truth through meaningful relationships.