One Line Church

One Line Church

Brad Prunty
Wheaton, Illinois
Founded: 2019

About One Line Church

One Line Church was founded with a vision for multiplication and church planting has be a part of our story from the beginning. We launched with several church planting partners that have helped fuel our vision for multiplication—GO Church Planting (GO Ministries, NewThing, Stadia and The Great Lakes Region of the Wesleyan Church.

Our dream for multiplication over the next 10 years is micro/macro and local/global. Locally, we want to lead a disciple making movement that multiplies followers of Jesus who connect with God, with each other and with their purpose. In addition, we will continue to be on the front lines of church planting locally as we train leaders, teams and churches for multiplication. Globally, we have partnered with GO Ministries to provide training and financial support in an effort to plant 1000 churches over the next 10 years.


3 Key relationships we want everyone to experience at One Line.

Connect With God

At One Line Church, we celebrate both as a Community and individually what God is doing in our lives and in our church. Above anything else, our desire is that your life would be transformed by the grace of God in Jesus. We believe that as you experience the good news of Jesus your life will become a reflection of Him in your neighborhood, your city, and the world. Our hope is that you would hear from God everyday and respond with a passionate obedience.

Connect With Each Other

We believe God calls all of us to experience life in close relationship with others. Life is full of ups and downs, and we were never meant to go alone. At One Line Church our small groups are a great opportunity for people to connect with others to grow spiritually, build friendships, and experience genuine community.

Connect With Your Purpose

We believe God has created every person to leave a unique mark on this world. He has a plan for your talents, passions and resources to leave a legacy. Our dream for One Line is that we would become a movement of people sent by God with a purpose. We want to be a light to our neighborhoods, our city, and the world. May our city know we exist—not just because of a building or programs—but because of God’s impact on the world and our community through us.

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