New Life Church

About New Life Church
We started in 1926 as a Bible study in the home of two sisters concerned for the kids and families in their community. Since that day, we have been led by passionate and innovative leaders who have helped the church stay true to its Biblical calling while reaching an ever-changing culture.
Under the leadership of Dr. Troy H. Jones, who became the lead pastor in 2004, we have grown in weekly attendance, launched 3 new campuses, and built an online community. Today, more than 5,000 people worship weekly at one of 4 campuses, including 1,500 children and youth. Honoring New Life’s past while leading into its future, Pastor Troy is nationally recognized for helping established churches discover how to get back on mission and Recalibrate for the future.
Known since its earliest days for straightforward Bible teaching, New Life has found innovative ways to reach its neighbors, and being a safe place for people who are just checking Jesus out. New Life has always been—and will always be—passionate about following Jesus’ mission for the church: going into every corner of the world and making disciples.