Mobberly Baptist Church

About Mobberly Baptist Church
People leading people into a life-changing, ever-growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
The words in this short statement carry special importance.
People Leading People • every believer at Mobberly – not just pastors, church staff and leaders – has the responsibility of leading other people. Lead means to influence. It is a word describing initiative and intentionality.
Life-changing • salvation, new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). The horizontal leaf in our logo represents change in all life’s relationships and activities on earth.
Ever-growing • consistent growth-spiritual development. The vertical leaf in our logo represents ongoing growth in our connection to Jesus.
Together they form the cross which reminds us of the gospel and what Jesus did for us that we can come to have a relationship with God. Christianity is best described by a relationship not a religion.
We accomplish our Mission through a three-fold strategy.
Declare God’s Glory together in worship.
Engage in Biblical Community.
Reach out to others locally, nationally and globally.
Biblical Truth (John 17:17, 2 Timothy 3:16)
We uphold God’s Word as the standard for all decisions, actions, and relationships.
Personal Transformation (Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18)
We grow in absolute dependence on God every day.
Family Discipleship (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
We combine the influence of church and home.
Generational Connection (Psalm 78:4-7)
We nurture intentional relationships among multiple ages and backgrounds.
Gospel Urgency (John 20:21)
We launch people to live sent lives to change the world.
Sacrificial Commitment (Romans 12:1, Colossians 3:17,23)
We seek to excel in giving God our very best.