Mission Church

Mission Church

Myron Pierce, Joshua & Noemi Chavez
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Omaha, Nebraska
Founded: 2018

About Mission Church


To unleash unprecedented hope in every inner city around the world.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is at the heart of our community work. It’s vital that neighbors know and trust one another. Uniting our community under the banner of a community event has yielded new friendships, new connection and a safer community.

Next Generation

In North Omaha children are often overlooked, neglected and misunderstood. As a church we’ve embarked on a full-fledged pursuit to make sure that no child is left without true hope.

Furnish a Hope House

We are fully involved in addressing many of the issues that surround mass incarceration. Men and women who are incarcerated will end up back in our community. We want to be able to help these people reenter into society successfully.

We do that by providing a support program where we provide a safe place to stay, mentorship, substance abuse counseling and a spiritual family called the local church.

Church Planting

We believe that every inner city around the world deserve a chance to experience what it means to have lasting hope. At our core, we are aiming to catapult the next generation of church planters into the next urban center. With an aggressive plan to unleash unprecedented hope we provide a leadership development program that prepares leaders to engage the next inner-city community.

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