Missio Dei Church

About Missio Dei Church
Missio Dei Church exists because we believe that God is on mission by the power of his Spirit, to rescue and redeem his people, transforming us into the image of his Son, so that culture begins to take on the image of his Kingdom.
We value the bold proclamation and faithful submission to the gospel of Jesus standing firm on the sufficiency of God’s word illuminated through the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives and culture.
We value the pursuit of depth and the facilitation of growth making room for the Gospel to shape our attitudes, affections and actions.
We value humbly learning from and generously giving back to the culture around us as witnesses to the gospel’s power to display beauty and skill through special and common grace.
In the next 10–20 years, Missio Dei wants to assist in planting at least two more churches in the most gospel-deprived areas of Cincinnati, as well as see churches planted strategically in the major cities around Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana.