Mile High Vineyard

About Mile High Vineyard
Our Commitments…
We recognize each church serves a unique community, so we want to champion unique expression, meaning:
Each church will function more autonomously on a local level.
Each church has their own articulated vision and strategy.
Each church will give and receive assistance for the overall health of the family.
Our bond is mutually beneficial, rooted in relationship, meaning we will work toward:
Regular moments to be relationally connect together.
A willingness to share our events and resources with one another, so we all get to benefit.
A commitment to learning together and sharing best practices with one another.
One of the primary purposes for our connection, is to plant even more healthy reproducing churches, by:
Proactively participating and budgeting toward church planting.
Developing church planting pipelines in each local church context.
Participating in the training opportunities, for our teams and potential planters.