Mercy Hill Church

About Mercy Hill Church
We exist to bring glory to God and affect gospel change by redeeming the lost and growing believers. Every Sunday we have uplifting worship, gospel-centered preaching and an engaging kids ministry. The music is directed at our Savior and founded on his Word. Our goal is that each and every person present at our worship services would leave with a sense of awe and wonder at what Jesus has done for us.
Our preaching is expository in nature and gospel-centered in content. We focus on simply exposing what the Bible says in each passage while keeping in mind that all passages connect to the overarching story of the whole Bible. In light of this, each sermon should reflect the sum of the biblical narrative—that we ought to love God when we see his great love for us. We see his love most clearly in the sacrificial death of Jesus. The gospel is always the point and Jesus is always the hero of every sermon.