Life Church Calvert

Life Church Calvert

Steve Forrester
Huntingtown, Maryland
Founded: 2011
Attendance: 1,065
Fastest Growing

About Life Church Calvert


Its About Relationships, Not Religion

Organized religion is not the church. Jesus laid down His life so that each of us may find forgiveness of our sins, be transformed by His power, and experience abundant life in Him. He is the God of the second chance who desires a relationship with every person on earth. The life that Jesus gives is also meant to be experienced in community with others. Life Church is committed to helping you discover a personal relationship with Christ, and build rewarding, Christ-like relationships with others.

The Church is Not a Building

The church is not a building, it’s a community of individuals who are in the process of becoming more like Jesus. At Life Church, you will find no perfect people. Instead, you’ll encounter a vibrant, welcoming community of believers from all walks of life who have been captured by Christ’s love, are being transformed by His power, and are experiencing the irrepressible joy of life in Jesus.

Playing it Safe is Risky

There is nothing passive about following Christ; we are not called to be comfortable, play it safe, or do church as usual. In fact, we believe irrelevance is irreverence and “good enough” is not good enough. Instead, we are committed to serving God by all available means and in the most meaningful, relevant, and innovative ways. As a church we will make the most of every opportunity to glorify God, recognizing that great opportunities to serve Him may often come disguised as insurmountable obstacles or insignificant moments.

Worship is Everything

God created us to worship Him with everything we have and everything we are, and wherever His church gathers should be the most exciting place on earth! At Life Church, be prepared to experience a warm, family friendly, and joy filled celebration that glorifies the Father, exalts the Son, and makes room for the Spirit.

Every Believer is Gifted By God and Called to Serve

Every believer has been gifted by God and called to faithfully serve Him. A priority of Life Church is to help you discover your calling and giftedness, and then encourage, prepare and equip you to fulfill God’s calling.

Prayer is Not an Option, it’s a Lifeline

Prayer is a spiritual connection with God, and is necessary for anyone desiring to truly know Him. Prayer is also the fuel upon which we depend in order to fulfill our calling. You can expect Life Church to model a great reliance on prayer, and emphasize its importance within the life of every believer.

The Bible is the Word of God

The Bible is the Word of God; it is God’s reliable message to us, His divine and infallible blueprint for our lives. At Life Church we live, worship, teach and serve together under the Bible’s authority.

We Cannot Out Give God

God has held nothing back from us; we should hold nothing back from Him. The ministries of Life Church are provided for by the tithes and offerings of its participants. Life Church also tithes from our income to support other ministries in our area and around the world.

Everyone Has Value in God’s Eyes

We believe the followers of Jesus Christ should be the most compassionate people on earth. Life Church is committed to being Jesus to others, loving them where they are, as they are, and when they least expect it.


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