Lakeview Church

Lakeview Church

Ron Bontrager
Assemblies of God
Indianapolis, Indiana
Founded: 1918
Attendance: 1,379
Fastest Growing

About Lakeview Church

Lakeview is a multiethnic, multicultural church located at the edge of the urban and suburban world. Lakeview is passionate about God and serving him through worship, prayer, relationship-building and ministry to children and youth. We desire to make our presence strongly felt within the surrounding community and to become a resource for churches throughout the world.

Pastor Ron and Dorene Bontrager have been the lead pastors of Lakeview Church since 1994. Their vision for Lakeview Church was to build a multiethnic, multicultural and multigenerational congregation and to continue the legacy of a strong supporter of missions—here, near and far. Lakeview Church has over 41 nations represented, making it one of the most diverse congregations in Indianapolis.

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