Kensington Church
About Kensington Church
When Kensington opened its doors—actually the doors of a rented school cafeteria—we had no idea what to expect. But when 463 people showed up, we knew God was working, and at a faster pace than our core team of 40 crazies ever imagined. As we grew, places all over Oakland County were transformed into a “portable church.” We gathered in homes, coffee shops, schools, warehouses and office buildings to share how God was transforming lives.
During 27 years of trial and error, God has taught us what matters most. We filter every program, budget, and proposal through this grid. If something won’t help us love unconditionally, build community, and model generosity, we don’t do it.
We think Jesus’ message is so amazing that there’s no one right way to tell it, that’s why we’re dedicated to planting, equipping and encouraging new churches all over the country. Each plant has a totally different way of doing things—and we think that means they’re doing it right. Some church plants meet in homes, some meet in comedy clubs, and some have already grown into their own facilities. They’ve each got their own vision and personality, but everyone shares the same passion for spreading God’s love and planting more and more new churches.