Impact Church

Impact Church

Jason Holdridge
Lowell, Michigan
Founded: 2003

About Impact Church

We are a church centered around helping people take the next step in their relationship with Jesus.

From the beginning, our heartbeat has been to reach un- and de-churched people through following the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. We believe those two teachings of Jesus should drive the purpose for our every waking moment.

We have planted 24 churches in the last 16 years and helped fund countless others outside our “Greenhouse Network” (the network of churches planted out of Impact over the years that meets each month).

Featured Articles

Giving Brings Greater Blessing Than Receiving

Our growth in financial stewardship closely paralleled our overall spiritual growth.

How to Mobilize Your Church for Evangelism

Behind every church that is passionate about evangelism is a lead pastor who prioritizes evangelism.

New Realities of Church Safety

Churches today are tasked with a dual calling in a fallen world. They must ensure internal safety while also confronting external dangers.

Just One Word or Phrase to Guide You This Year

Thoreau criticized society’s tendency to devalue complex ideas, or those that can be interpreted in multiple ways, in favor of simple ones—all of which reflected a general decline in mental and intellectual effort.

The Centrality of Prayer

The early church provides a powerful example of the centrality of prayer.

Mission Shift: How a Declining Global Birth Rate Will Shape Future Outreach 

If we are to see the worldwide growth of Islam reversed, the gospel must be shared and the love of Christ demonstrated.

Daniel Yang: A Seat at the Table

There is an exilic version of the church that God is refining right now. It’s not a dark period. I actually think this is part of revitalization and revival.

How to Mobilize Your Church for Evangelism

Behind every church that is passionate about evangelism is a lead pastor who prioritizes evangelism. To these pastors, evangelism is not merely a training program to be implemented, it is a culture.

Coming Back From Betrayal Trauma

Betrayal trauma is real and all too prevalent among pastors and ministry leaders in this season. So, too, is its pain. When we ignore it or try to power through it, we inadvertently prolong the heightened anxiety it causes.

The Essential Purpose of the Church

Jesus consistently demonstrated his love and kindness to those who were unaccepted, outcast, marginalized and with little to no ability to do something for someone else.