Hope Church NYC
About Hope Church NYC
Hope Church exists to lead a family of diverse churches into a transforming relationship with Jesus and a community of faith.
Our culture consists of seven main values that we strive to live from and through:
We continually seek to deepen our relationships with God and with one another, because this is where we believe true life and transformation happens.
Authenticity begins when we embrace our common humanity and brokenness. Community results as we honestly and lovingly share who we are with one another.
Because God gave each of us a different story to live, we find beauty in our diversity, whether cultural, ethnic, gender, or socioeconomic. By embracing our common humanity and brokenness, we find that our differences, instead of dividing, only strengthen the vibrancy of our community and faith.
We long to be a countercultural community that is marked by radical generosity in everything we do. Whether it’s with our time, talents, or treasures, we want to reflect this value in all our relationships, including with the under-resourced.
We want to share the good news of Jesus Christ through our words and actions whenever possible. We believe starting new churches can make an impact locally and new churches are places where relationships can be nurtured into authentic growing communities.
We want to celebrate life as often and as loudly as possible. We love that Jesus was the king of dinner parties, and we want to be a community that is known for the fun we contribute to the world.
We hold a belief that God is at work to heal and renew the world that He created to be good. Our own lives are part of God’s renewal process, and God invites us into the work of making all things new. We do this by pursuing justice, engaging in social and cultural renewal, and being committed to prayer for the flourishing of New York City.
Our dream is to see new churches birthed throughout New York City for the next 10 to 20 years, including different forms of church (house church, missional communities, etc.) to reach different populations in our post-Christian context.