Grace Church

About Grace Church
REACHING The Lost: It is our vision to reach people who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as the broken and weary within the church community.
EMPOWERING The Hurting: It is our vision to clearly model and communicate the life-changing power of God and help people discover their gifts and talents.
ASSIMILATING The Lonely: It is our vision to integrate people from diverse backgrounds into our church body by helping people develop strong, healthy and lasting relationships.
LEADING Our Culture For Christ: It is our vision to be a relevant and cutting edge congregation that impacts our community, culture and world.
The Centrality of God's Word and Spirit – We endeavor to walk in sync with the Holy Spirit and always embrace the Bible as the ultimate rule for faith and conduct.
Integrity – We endeavor to operate by the highest corporate, personal ethics, and standards.
People Matter – We believe that God values all people regardless of their race, gender, economic status, education level, physical and/or emotional challenges. The only person more important than people to us, is GOD.
Servant Leadership – We endeavor to find ourselves by losing ourselves in the highest possible level of love, care, decency and service to others.
Removing Limitations – We are committed to removing barriers that keep people from understanding and experiencing the transformational power of a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Embracing Truth – We are committed to pursuing truth in our relationships with God and each other; we are not persuaded by human opinion. We are committed to embracing God's Word completely as the ultimate guide for how we live, view ourselves and how we treat others.
Taking Action – We are committed to taking action toward the cause and calling that we have individually and as a church community, to serve the world.
Live Big! – We are committed to inspiring people to live so big that the overflow impacts everyone and everything around them.