Generation Church

About Generation Church
At Generation Church, we have several core principles that drive every decision we make. These principles are not just phrases we remember, or values we strive for; it's literally how we roll.
We Place Jesus at the Center - A life of growth and change is all about priorities. We will put Jesus first in all that we do as a church and individuals.
We Will Remain Outward Focused – We are evangelistic in our efforts to reach those who aren’t here yet. We are a church that is "sent" not just "attends." We are all inclusive / multicultural / generational church.
We Will Believe Big and Start Small – We will pray, dream, believe God for the impossible. Big dreams start with small acts of obedience. We will have active and audacious faith.
We Will Create Irresistible Environments – We will create the culture, God will change lives. People are drawn to irresistible culture, environments, and people. We will be full of FUN, PASSION, and LOVE.
We Will Lean In – We will engage by leading the way in worship and learning. We are changed by God’s presence and God’s word…and we won’t take it for granted. We will embrace an open heart to learn and grow.
We Will Not Hide Behind Fig Leaves – We will seek to have authentic relationships filled with transparency and grace. You cannot do life alone and you can’t have authentic relationships by hiding and being fake. Relationships are vital for every person.
We Will Fight for Men – We equally honor and challenge men and women alike. However, we are unapologetic in our passion to reach the men in our community. When you unleash the man, he will lead his family to greater things.
We Will Leave a Legacy – We will invest in the next generation. We will always place a high priority on kids and student ministries. We will reproduce young leaders.
We Are God’s Greatest Resource – We believe in RADICAL generosity. Generosity starts with radically giving our time, talent, and treasure. We will serve, worship, and give abundantly and joyfully.
We Can’t Stay Here – We will never get comfortable; we must continue to take next steps in our journey. We will strive to always be open to change while avoiding apathy and comfort. We are never finished until Jesus returns.