Gateway Fellowship Church

About Gateway Fellowship Church
“The No. 1 reason for our growth is our passion for discipleship,” says Gateway’s senior pastor, John Van Pay. “We follow a simple process of discipleship, in which friends are encouraged to belong to a small group so they can grow and be sent to start new small groups so disciples are made.” Gateway Fellowship doesn’t have many programs, ministries or events that compete with discipleship in small groups and large worship gatherings.
“Our goal,” Van Pay says, “is for 101 percent of those in our church family to be part of a small group, where friendship, spiritual growth and mission happen. One of our maxims is, “Love finds a need and meets it.'” Needs are being met in countless ways: Single moms, widows and the elderly are visited for prayer; meals are brought to local fire departments; food pantries are stocked and cleaned at local inner-city ministries; and an orphan care ministry allows adults to be trained to foster and adopt children.