Freedom Church

About Freedom Church
Freedom Church exists so that people far from God can experience life in Christ.
Experiencing life in Christ is not just an event to be celebrated, but a
lifelong process to be enjoyed.
We Keep Jesus at the Center
We bring good news, not just good advice. It’s about what He has done for us, rather than what we can do for Him.
We Know Freedom is Worth Fighting For
We are contributors, not consumers. The church is not here for us; we are the church, and we exist for the world.
We Agree It's Not About Me
We are all about joy-filled generosity, because it’s more blessed to give than to receive. We work hard, we take initiative, and we follow through.
We Think Inside the Box
Limitation is what fuels innovation. We maximize what God has given us, rather than complain about what He hasn’t.
We Are People of Honor
Honor flows in all directions. To honor God, we must honor each other. We put people over programs, we fill the gap with trust, and we assume the best.
We Believe the Impossible Is Possible
Because our ambitions are as big as the promises of God, we are faith led, bold, and audacious. We dream big, but we start small.
We Reject Good to Embrace Great
Focusing on doing a few things with excellence, rather than many things with mediocrity, allows us to accomplish more by doing less.
We Believe God Will Do It Through You
We empower people for their ministry, not just recruit them to ours. We believe feedback is a gift. So we are committed to maximizing your gift so that you can fulfill your purpose.
We Are Just Getting Started
We are on a lifelong journey of grace, growth, and gratitude. Our best days are ahead.
We Laugh Loud, Hard and Often
We work hard, and we play hard.