About Cross Pointe Church
Our Mission
Cross Pointe's mission is to follow God's plan for believers and the church in the Bible. In Acts 2 we see a picture of the church committed to worship, caring for one another, prayer, the study of the Scriptures, serving the community and world and sharing the gospel. This example of the early church is one that is still followed to this day.
Our Mission: Pointing people to Jesus, and inspiring them to live the cross shaped life.
The first Christ-followers were known both for their association with Christ—who they were—and their lives in following the commands of Christ—what they did. At Cross Pointe, we identify ourselves with Christ—it's who we are. Our mission statement defines our actions as a church—what we do. We use a simple statement to help us remember this mission and to focus our church on these core elements.
You'll see this mission driving our church's ministries. This framework helps us to live out the biblical example of the New Testament church in today's world.
Keeping Your Spiritual Life Moving Forward ...
We don't link personal spiritual maturity and true connectedness to how many times someone shows up for an event or how many programs they attend. We want to help you find that place of worship, service, fellowship and commitment where God can move your life. We are committed to continually pursuing simple and effective ministry now and in the future, for the benefit of Christ’s Kingdom and our own faith family.