Church That Matters

About Church That Matters
Church That Matters is a church where people can be themselves. Nobody is forced to look like, act like, talk like, vote like or smell like each other. People can experience a life changing encounter with God through authentic community with real people. Church That Matters is a group of imperfect people who realize it and don’t pretend to be otherwise. We are people on a journey of faith with Jesus Christ and we know from experience that this journey doesn’t always look as pretty and nice as we hoped for. But we have found life in Christ and want others to have the same opportunity.
Our Mission
Our mission is to be a church that matters to God, each other, our city, and the world!
Our Vision
We desire to be a church not defined by the walls in which we meet, but rather by the people of God who are a part of it and the ministry in motion. Come join the revolution!