Celebration Church

About Celebration Church
Our vision, mission and strategy are based on truths found in the Word of God for his church. These three work together, like a three-fold cord, in propelling us forward. We believe God′s vision, mission and strategy for his church also mirrors his vision, mission and strategy for our personal lives as well. Therefore, everything we do is with the intent of leading people to experience a “God-First Life.”
Far more than a place we attend once a week, church is something we are a part of. Whether you are a regular attendee or are here to learn more about who we are, we pray your experience at Celebration inspires you to connect to God and his people.
Jesus came to serve, not be served. As servants of Christ, it is our belief that we should do the same. When we participate with others in serving, we build strong relationships, while growing together in our walk with God.