Calvary Church Stockton

About Calvary Church Stockton
We're a welcoming, casual and diverse church in the heart of Stockton's beautiful Country Club neighborhood. Calvary is a community where you'll be welcomed, whether you're new to faith or a life-long follower of Jesus.
To nurture the spiritual growth of our congregation; to become more Christ-like and to bring others to experience a personal relationship and salvation with Jesus Christ; to respect our cultural traditions that has brought this congregation together while embracing the new that comes with growth of our congregation.
Calvary Church was first founded in 1898 as the Stockton Independent Church by three Japanese American missionaries. We've historically been a church for the Japanese American community, but today we're a diverse, multi-generational community where everyone is welcome. We exist to help people find their way back to God and to reach our local community with the love of Jesus, while helping people to grow spiritually through community, discipleship and mission.
If you are looking for a family, we're a community worshiping, growing, and serving together. A place where you can celebrate and enjoy God’s faithfulness. A place where you can 'put down roots'—to belong, learn, grow, bear fruit and share it with loved ones. And we're a place where you'll have an opportunity to serve as Jesus served, to give back to neighbors and the world.
We invite you to join us at our weekly services at our main chapel, or online through our worship live stream!OUR
We are ... Jesus-followers
We are first and foremost a community of people who want to be centered in Jesus and followers of him. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life”. Not only does following Jesus make an eternal difference to our lives, but it also makes a daily impact as we live out our life as his followers.
We are ... Disciple-makers
Jesus said “Go, and make disciples of all nations”. We are not only disciples, but we are called to go and make disciples who will make disciples. We want to see people all across our city find hope to overcome the trials of life through Jesus.
We are ... Bible-based
God’s Word, the Bible, is the greatest story ever told. It’s the story of how God did everything possible to make a way for us to find him! Today, God wants to write you into His story! The Bible is a living word, which means it is relevant to us today. It is God’s instruction manual for how we can live our best life.
We are ... Missional
We are missionaries, called to take the love and hope of Jesus to our city. Being a missionary doesn't mean 'forcing' faith on people. Rather, it means living out the love of Jesus in our daily lives. We care about the needs of our community and want to make a real difference, by working together to serve our city, and by seeing people in the places God has called us become fully committed followers of Jesus.
We are ... Welcoming
We are a welcoming and diverse spiritual family that welcomes people into our community, regardless of their background, race, socioeconomic status or history.
We are ... Generous
Everything we have comes from God, so we want to return the abundance of what we have to God by practicing irrational and extravagant generosity.
We are ... Pioneering
Calvary takes risks for the Gospel as adventurers and champions for new ways of doing ministry. We love trying new things, not being afraid to fail, and pioneering new ways of loving and living in our community. We have fun with what we do and love the journey God has us on.
We are ... Relevant
Jesus is relevant to people’s everyday lives. We want to be relevant as a church as we communicate the unchanging message of God’s Word using new and changing methods.
We are ... United
We are a multi-ethnic and multi-generational church where you can belong and become regardless of your background. We celebrate diversity while recognizing our unity as brothers and sisters of Jesus. Unity is not uniformity, which means we are united in our mission and vision even though we are individually unique.
We are ... Equipping
Calvary is a place where you’ll be equipped and empowered to use your gifts. Our staff and leadership will support, equip, encourage and empower you to live out your purpose in life.