C3 Church

About C3 Church
The Flow is a set of core values that are an expression of the heart of our community. Everything we do is influenced and guided by them.
We are Holy Spirit led.
We take our direction in all things from the Holy Spirit.
We focus on the unchurched.
We are a church that focuses on reaching the un-churched in a relevant way.
We serve.
We are a church that desires for every member to serve in ministry and to have a servant’s heart.
We pursue excellence.
We are a church that desires to do all things with excellence in presentation and inspiration.
We are passionate.
We are a passionate church and we love to worship God!
We honor.
We are a church that honors our leaders and each other.
We lead the way.
We are a church that believes we should put God first in every area of life including our time, talents and finances.
We are generous.
We are a generous church that serves and gives above and beyond.
We are authentic.
We are a church that invites you to be real with God and with each other. We also like to laugh and have fun knowing that “the joy of the Lord is our strength” (Neh. 8:10).
We are generational.
We are a church that wants to impact all generations from young to old.