ACTS Church Lakeway

About ACTS Church Lakeway
OUR MISSION: Sending Changed People into a Changing World
What will it take to get people ready to be the church out there in that changing world? If we are not transforming and sending people, through God’s power, then we are probably fooling ourselves that our other church “business” is really that important. This is why we have asked God to give us the motivation and the mobilization to be a church that ACTS.
Values: Why are we doing it? These are the shared convictions that guide the actions and reveal the strength of the church: Adventure. Community. Transformation. Sending.
Strategy: How are we doing it? This is is the process or picture that demonstrates how the church will accomplish its mandate on the broadest level: Multiplying Followers. Multiplying Leaders. Multiplying Churches.
Measures: When are we successful? The missional life marks are a set of attributes in an individual’s life that define or reflect accomplishment of the church’s mandate: Growing in Generosity. Growing in Grace. Growing in a Group.
In 2011 the ACTS Church Network was initiated with the specific purpose of “Helping churches launch churches in the greater Austin area.” To date, five additional churches outside of the ACTS family have been birthed through the direct help and encouragement of ACTS. Our goal is seeing 100 new Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod churches planted in Texas over the next decade; and 50 new local evangelistic outreach ministries started.